Auxiliary & Donations


In 1961, the Amos Watt’s family made a donation of ground so that Washington County might have its own hospital. Because of generosity like this, and from hundreds of others, Washington County has a hospital that it can be proud of.

When you make a donation to Washington County Hospital, you help fulfill the hospital’s mission statement which is “to forge partnerships to improve the health of our community through service excellence” and our vision statement in which the hospital will “collaborate with others to promote wellness and a healthier community”. Donations enhance the hospital’s ability to establish new programs, purchase equipment, improve or develop facilities and to fund education efforts. Gifts made to Washington County Hospital may be unrestricted for the hospital to use where the need is greatest, or you may designate that your gift be targeted to a particular program or purpose. Washington County Hospital greatly appreciates all donations. A variety of gift options are available to provide flexibility for income requirements, estate planning and tax planning. Washington County Hospital is a non-profit organization and most gifts qualify for federal and often state income-tax deduction. As with all financial considerations, we encourage you to discuss potential tax advantages and other aspects of charitable giving with your attorney, tax advisor or financial consultant.

Below is a list of the many ways you may help in the support of Washington County Hospital. Whatever way you may choose to give, you can be assured that your generosity will help secure the future of this fine hospital. For questions or to make a donation please contact Brian Monsma, President at (618) 327-2200.



Gift Pledges

A pledge is a formal statement of intention to make a gift to Washington County Hospital. It may be followed by an immediate gift or it may simply confirm your intention to make a gift in the future.

Bequests and Wills

Gifts can be made through your will. A will allows you to choose and name who will become the executor to implement the wishes and direction stated in your will. A will is also your customized estate plan that offers you the opportunity to make tax arrangements for your beneficiaries as a charitable bequest that will reduce the taxes that are due from your estate. Your will might include a charitable bequest to Washington County Hospital.

Gifts with Retained Interest

This option allows you to hold an interest in your gift for your lifetime or for a specified number of years. After that time, the funds become available to Washington County Hospital. For example, you can select a charitable trust that allows you to receive income from that trust for a specified period of time or your lifetime. You can also donate your home to WCH while retaining the right to live in it for life. When you make your gift, you have the satisfaction of knowing that plans you make today will help to support Washington County Hospital in the future

Closely-held Securities

A person can donate securities in a company that is not publicly trades. These securities are known as closely-held securities. When a donor makes a gift of these securities, the donor may enjoy tax savings.

Outright Gifts

These are gifts of cash, securities or other property that has an immediate impact on Washington County Hospital’s services and programs because they can be used to support a variety of our immediate needs.

Memorial and Honor Gifts

An important way many people decide to donate money is in memory or honor of a family member or friend. Gifts can be made in memory of a person who has passed away in recognition of a birthday, anniversary, holiday or any other special occasion. A gift in this manner will have a lasting impact.

Appreciated Securities

A gift of long-term appreciated marketable securities helps you save taxes twice. Such gifts will provide an income-tax charitable deduction and capital gains tax savings.

Gifts of Real Estate

When you give a gift of your home or real property, you may claim an income tax charitable deduction based on the full market value of the gift, avoid capital gains taxes and eliminate certain costs associated with the transfer of real property.

The items listed above are just a few ways that you can help to make a difference in the future of Washington County Hospital. Many of these giving vehicles can afford significant income and estate tax advantages to donors.